Physical Health of a Chess Player
Physical exercise is very important not just for the body, but for the brain as well. Walking, biking or any physical activity that you enjoy will help your brain, increase your creativity, memory, and ability to concentrate. If you are interested in more information, search online for “neurobiological effects of physical exercise”. We also recommend the book "Sitting Kills, Moving Heals" by Joan Vernikos Ph.D., the former director of NASA's Life Sciences Division.
In particular, chess players should pay attention to this aspect as they sit for long periods of time without moving. It’s important for your health to stand up often and move regularly. We recommend to stand up at least every 30 minutes and walk or do some exercise for a couple of minutes or more. In chess tournaments, players usually stand up and move a little after they play their moves. This also helps them to relax and to be fresh for the next move.
A good night's sleep of 7–9 hours is also very important. Among many other things, this helps you to memorize or recall information, concentrate well and remain calm.
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